Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Last Day

Today was my last ever day at University. We had a big bbq with everyone and all the teachers came to say goodbye. It was quite sad saying goodbye to all of my friends as most of them are staying in Wellington next year but I am sure we will stay in touch. The countdown is on now until I start at Te Mata now which is so exciting. I will see you all next Thursday, I can't wait!

Monday, 5 December 2011


Hey Molly!

I just saw an ad for the warehouse, they are selling these t-shirts and I thought of you. I think you need one!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

I love Christmas!

Hi Everyone!

I am busy writing my last ever essay, woohoo!!! I am feeling much more excited for Christmas knowing it is so close to the end of the year. I have been listening to Christmas music all day and singing along, it was lovely to hear you all singing to your Christmas songs. I spent two hours wrapping presents yesterday, it's one of my favourite things to do. Juno has her own stocking filled with presents. I hope she doesn't try and take a sneaky look at what we have bought her. She is going to love her treats! Matt found a reindeer dog toy for her, its very cute.

Four more sleeps until my birthday! I am even more excited about that than Christmas! Matt is going to make me a carrot cake which is my favourite. I hope it is as delicious as the muffins Madison made on my last day. 

You must all be so excited for holidays, less than two weeks of school and you will be done. Big year 5's next year, it will be wonderful to be seniors. Maybe you will be buddies with some of my year 2's? 

Enjoy you last couple of weeks, good luck to everyone in the talent show!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Here you are Katie!!

Hello All!

Here are some pictures of my wardrobe you asked for Katie, not very exciting by the looks. What's news?

 I am doing my last assignments, can't wait to be finished next week! We have our University ball next weekend, I am so excited to get to dress up and dance with my friends. Matt and I went to a really cool fair in the weekend, we got home made dog biscuits for Juno, some fudge for Matt (it's his fav) and a pirate ship for my classroom next year! It was in pretty bad shape so Matt has fixed it up for me, have a look at the pictures below to see the finished ship. I have also put up a new picture of Juno, poor wee thing got attacked by two big dogs at the beach this week and they stole her collar, it was very scary but she is back to normal now. 

Not long until Christmas! What are your Christmas plans? It's my birthday next week and I am very excited! Matt is taking me to my favourite place for dinner and my friends and I are going to see a movie during the day. Lucky me! I can't wait to be back for the holidays, they are always my favourite time of year.

Keep an eye out around the village for me late next week, I might be back for a couple of days!

From Miss Cowan

Matt painting my pirate ship
The finished product!
 My Wardrobe for Katie
 My new ball dress and headband
 My favourite dress in the whole world
 The pink shoes I wear with it

Juno saying hello

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Great to see you!

 Hello Again!

It was so wonderful to see you all this week, I had a wonderful time in Hawkes Bay! (Apart from falling up those steps!) It was just wonderful to see you all and hear all your news. Not long until we move up for good, how exciting! Juno and Matt came up to Havelock on Friday to see me, we had a great time looking for places to live, having yummy icecreams and seeing our family. I even saw Jacks Mum and his sister on Friday night! I didn't get to see Jack because he was at tennis still which was a shame. Jack told his Mum about me falling over then everyone at home teased me for being clumsy and Mum started calling me Miss Trippy rather than Miss Cowan! I hope you have an amazing fantastic splendid last few weeks of school and I will see you all very soon!

From Miss Cowan
and Juno (She is very interested in my computer today!)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Whats the news?!?

Hi everyone!

How has everything been going? I have been super busy getting ready for my exams, I have a big science exam tomorrow, I am quite nervous but have done lots and lots of study so hopefully I will do well. I have been getting really excited to be coming back to Te Mata next year to be a teacher. I wonder if I will be teaching any of your little brothers or sisters? I have been buying some things for my class next year, I bought this hungry hungry hippos game. Have any of you heard of this? It is so much fun! Matt and I played it, I got very competitive and broke my hippo, Matt fixed it though! I have been enjoying reading your blog, it sounds like you have been very busy. Not long until Christmas now, I am already starting to get excited! I am hoping to come back to visit you all soon after my exams. Send me a message and let me know what you have been up to, I was so thrilled to get a letter from Amy the other day and it was fantastic to hear about all her news!

Missing you all lots!
Miss Cowan

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Water fight!

Are you enjoying your holidays? Yesterday Matt and I went to visit Owen and Daniel who I used to nanny. We had a yummy lunch and had a look at their new chickens and then had a massive waterfight! The boys got their water guns and Matt grabbed an umbrella. Everyone ended up rather wet but it was lots of fun! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!!