Saturday, 12 November 2011

Great to see you!

 Hello Again!

It was so wonderful to see you all this week, I had a wonderful time in Hawkes Bay! (Apart from falling up those steps!) It was just wonderful to see you all and hear all your news. Not long until we move up for good, how exciting! Juno and Matt came up to Havelock on Friday to see me, we had a great time looking for places to live, having yummy icecreams and seeing our family. I even saw Jacks Mum and his sister on Friday night! I didn't get to see Jack because he was at tennis still which was a shame. Jack told his Mum about me falling over then everyone at home teased me for being clumsy and Mum started calling me Miss Trippy rather than Miss Cowan! I hope you have an amazing fantastic splendid last few weeks of school and I will see you all very soon!

From Miss Cowan
and Juno (She is very interested in my computer today!)


  1. im so sad that i didnt get to see you

  2. I like Juno!
    She is so cute!

  3. Sorry... that I wrot she.

  4. aaaaahaaah your dog is sooooooooooooooooooooo cute can you take a pitcure of your wardrobe like you said you would

  5. Hi Katie! I will take a photo tonight! I will try to remember at least.
