Monday, 3 October 2011

My funny lecture today!

Hi everyone!!
I had to show you this! This was in my PE lecture today, we were learning about how to teach swimming. Our teacher was wearing a swimming cap and goggles and showed us all these strokes on the chair, everyone thought it was fantastic and we couldn't stop laughing, so at the end we gave her a big clap while I recorded this video. Isn't she a good sport!

What has been happening at school? What are your plans for the holidays!

From Miss Cowan


  1. on friday morning I am going to Nelson

  2. Lucky you Sarah! What are you doing while you are there?

  3. miss cowan how is eveything going? i am going to toupo to see my cousin and then im going back to auckland with her for 5 days and then me and her are going to fly backby our selfs to naiper and ten she id staying for two days and then she is going to fly back late friday! i hope you dont have to do any work in the holidays and i hope you can kick back and relaxe!

  4. sorry if i did some mistakes!

  5. Sounds like you are having an action packed holiday!!! I don't have holidays sadly I am busy busy studying, but we had a really fun science class today and we got to play with cornflour and water mixed together, you should try it, so much fun!!!
